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End of 2020-2021 Season

July 21, 2021

Dear all,

The end of the season is always a great moment, and particularly this year when so many of you have been coming regularly, several times a week.

I say it again, bravo Camille, Marie Odile and Etienne for the 1st Duan, 1st grade of Tai Chi Chuan awarded by our Federation and bravo to all of you for your commitment, your seriousness and your solidarity.

Yes, this year has been positive despite the events and you have all progressed. Quite unexpected - even unbelievable - that a period of turmoil can be foundational : I supported you and you supported me, a beautiful sharing, a sacred positive force!

You will find below the photo album of our last practice of the season and of our meal: Link to the photo album

Sharing a meal with you is always an experience rich in flavours, a moment of discovery, exchange and conviviality. What a surprise you gave me by offering me this magnificent coloured card, which I opened once at home, full of such warm words. I am very touched, you have really spoiled me with your incredible envelopes that accompanied it. I am saving the money for my trip to the USA this summer to see my Tai Chi Chuan teacher.

I am currently waiting for the borders to open so that I can take my tickets, I should leave from August 28 to September 19.

An email will arrive during August for re-registration for the 2021/2022 season. The new season will start on Tuesday 21 September.

See you soon by email

Have a nice summer
