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End of Tai Chi Chuan Season, June 2020

July 9, 2020

Dear All,

The 2019/2020 Tai Chi Chuan season ended in the parc des Bruyères last Saturday. Thankyou to all who were able to come.
It was an occasion, for all levels to practise together and also to meet up, to chat and share an excellent
festive meal which you had prepared. A picnic is always a real treat and a culinary experience.
You can see the photos of the event via the “Galerie” menu.

We talked about the Zoom sessions which kept us in contact and let you all progress. Thankyou for all the very positive feedback. We were indeed able to be at home and to be all together at the same time. It was fundemental for me to share in this particular lockdown context, of isolation and confinement.

In this way we were able, over the past 3 months, to go into details and also be in contact with our body
sensations. These sublteties are, for me, the wealth of Tai Chi Chuan which enable good rooting from
which can stem loosening, fluidity, precision and all the beauty of Tai Chi Chuan. These past 3 months
were very formative.

Sunday was the first 2 hours practice of “Mindfulness Mornings” - which will take place once a month as
of September.
Since Monday 7th, we have started the traditional intensive course “Tai Chi Chuan Mornings in the parc

des Bruyères”, which will finish on Friday 10th July. It is an individual practice assessment and a chance
to advance further according to your level. The groups are motivated, the sun is shining and we meet each
day with a good progress dynamic.

For those of you who have already left on holiday, have a good time but stay safe and look after yourselves and your families.

Have a super Summer